Application for a Library CardTitle(s):Please enter your title(s) here.First name: *Last name: *Please enter your last name here.Date of birth: *Please enter your date of birth here.Your e-mail address: *Please enter your e-mail address here.Street address: *Please enter your street address including house number here.ZIP/Post code: *Please enter your ZIP/post code here.Place name: *Please enter your place name here.University/institution:Please enter the university/institution you study at:I am an auditor or senior student at Leipzig University (Please tick only if you are currently an auditor or senior student at Leipzig University.):AuditorSenior studentPlease select the correct button if you are an auditor or senior student at Leipzig University.I would like to collect my library card from the following branch: *Bibliotheca AlbertinaCampus LibraryMedicine and Sciences LibraryLibrary of Education and Sport ScienceVeterinary MedicineLaw Library IPlease tick where you would like to collect your library card:I have read and accept the rules governing the use of Leipzig University Library as well as the list of fees and charges of Leipzig University.Yes *Please tick here if you have read and accept the rules governing the use of Leipzig University Library as well as the list of fees and charges.I have read and agree to the privacy statement of Leipzig University Library:Yes *Please tick the checkbox to confirm that you have read and agree to the privacy policy of Leipzig University Library.Fields marked with an * are required fields and must contain data. Submit