Working in science
We currently offer an ever-growing series of short videos with tips on scientific work and you can watch our Coffee Lectures, which we developed together with the Academic Lab of the University, which are short lectures on the topic of scientific work.
Beyond the Hype: Testing Chatbot Usability and Limitations (Workshop in english)
7 Tips for Using AI for Academic Writing (Workshop in englisch)
On Leipzig University Library's Youtube channel, new video tutorials on scientific work are published regularly (German only). You can find all videos on the channel in the playlist How to: Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig Digital.
The Academic Lab (AL) and the Leipzig University Library (UBL) regularly provide you with short lectures on scientific work, literature research and the notorious procrastination.
So-called "Coffee Lectures" are a proven concept to provide a crisp insight of 15 to 20 minutes into the diverse offerings of an academic institution and to address topics related to scientific writing and working.
- 7. Mai 2020: Was du schon immer über Word wissen wolltest, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagtest mit Dr. Tibor Nebel (UBL)
- 14. Mai 2020: Seven Ways to Write Like a Native Speaker mit Kerstin Gackle (AL)
- 22. Mai 2020 (Freitag): Immer schön umständlich? Zum Stil wissenschaftlicher Texte mit Robert Feustel (AL)
- 28. Mai 2020: Schluss mit der Zettelwirtschaft – endlich Ordnung in meiner Literatur mit Dr. Tibor Nebel (UBL)
- 4. Juni 2020: Motiviert Studieren: Wie hole ich mir meine Motivation zurück? mit Andy Plötz (AL)